
Real-time Data Pipeline for Stock Market Analysis


This project demonstrates the development of a real-time data pipeline designed to ingest, process, and analyze stock market data. Using cutting-edge tools like Apache Kafka, PostgreSQL, and Python, the pipeline captures stock data in real-time and stores it in a robust data architecture, enabling timely analysis and insights.

Project Highlights

  1. Consumer Script: Another Python script reads data from Kafka topics and loads it into PostgreSQL for analysis and visualization. Screenshot (850)
  2. Data Analysis: SQL queries and aggregations on the PostgreSQL database allow for insightful analysis of real-time stock data. Screenshot (845)

    Learning Outcomes

    • Stream Processing with Kafka: Developed skills in handling real-time data using Apache Kafka, setting up topics, and managing data streams.
    • ETL Workflow: Gained experience in ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) processes, integrating APIs, streaming platforms, and databases.
    • Data Integration: Successfully connected various technologies to build a cohesive data pipeline, demonstrating the ability to work with cloud services and real-time data.

      Getting Started


    • Python 3.x
    • Apache Kafka (via Confluent Cloud)
    • PostgreSQL (via Aiven)
    • API key for Alpha Vantage


  3. Clone the repository:


git clone

  1. Install the required Python packages:


pip install -r requirements.txt

  1. Set up Kafka topics and configure the PostgreSQL connection as per the instructions in the config.yaml file.

Running the Project

  1. Run the producer script to start streaming data to Kafka:



  1. Run the consumer script to store data in PostgreSQL:



Future Work

Visualization: Integrate with Tableau or Power BI for dynamic data visualization. Scalability: Expand the pipeline to handle multiple data sources and enhance fault tolerance.

About Me

I am a data scientist passionate about building real-time data solutions that drive business insights. This project showcases my skills in data engineering, particularly in stream processing, ETL workflows, and integrating modern data technologies.